Tag: WordPress

  • WordPress Performance with HHVM

    With Heroku-WP I hoped to lower the bar in getting WordPress up and running on a more modern tech stack. But what are the performance implications of running WordPress on such a modern set of technologies? Surely it’s faster but by how much and is the performance gains worth the trouble? To answer that I’ve…

  • WordPress on NGINX + HHVM with Heroku Buildpacks

    WordPress on NGINX + HHVM with Heroku Buildpacks

    It’s been a year since I last made any major changes to my WordPress on Heroku build and in tech years that’s a lifetime. Since then Heroku has released a new PHP buildpack with nginx and HHVM built in. Much progress have also been made both HHVM and WordPress to make both compatible with each…

  • 20 Million Hits a Day With WordPress For Free

    As the price of cloud computing continues to tumble we can do what was previously unthinkable. It wasn’t long ago that getting WordPress to scale to 10 million hits a day for $15 a month was front page hacker news material; but we can do even better.

  • Caching in the Clouds

    When it comes to running content management systems there are always more reads then writes (hopefully) so caching becomes of utmost importance for a successful WordPress install. With a product as mature as WordPress there are tons of options out there, from APC object caching to static HTML file generation to caching with CDN distribution management.

  • WordPress on Heroku

    With 18% of the internet running off WordPress and between 50–100k sites launching on it every day using WordPress seemed the obvious choice. Where to host it however, was a more difficult decision. With such a large market share comes a myriad of deployment options. From large turnkey blog as a service providers like WordPress.com…